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We have resumed “normal” congregational worship which includes:

  • Sunday school,
  • Nursery services,
  • Choral singing,
  • Congressional singing,
  • the Lord’s Supper,
  • and tithes and offerings received in the normal way. 

The Fellowship Hall is set up for use by those who desire to continue “social distancing” and to avoid congregational singing. Officers will walk across the breezeway to administer the Lord’s Supper to those gathered for worship in the Fellowship Hall, but a box will be used for offerings rather than a passed plate.

Let us restate that no one should feel compelled to come, and some should NOT come:

  • Please DO NOT come if you or someone in your home is feeling ill.
  • Use wisdom and discretion if you are considered “at risk” per the CDC guidelines.
  • If, FOR ANY REASON, you think it is not prudent or you are not comfortable coming at this time, please use the online option.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office or one of the Officers.