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Our Sunday Worship Services are 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Sunday School is at 10:00 AM

Lord’s Day Prayer Group, Sundays, 9:30 am; all are welcome.

Adult Sunday School Class, 10:00 am: Philosophy of Ministry, taught by Pastor Martin (now through August 4).

Youth Sunday School, 10:00 am:  The Sacraments (now through August 4)

Wednesday Night Supper is at 5:30, followed by Devotional & Prayer Time (adults), Catechism (children), and High Point (youth) at 6:30. (Suspended during the summer. WIll resume August 14th.)

Adult & Youth Sunday School classes (combined for the summer), 10:00 AM: 
Philosophy of Ministry, taught by Pastor Martin, July 7—August 4.

Small Groups

Adult Choir meets on Sunday afternoons.

Children’s Choir for the fall/winter season meets every Sunday at 4:45pm.

Early Morning Bible Study on Malachi (led by Pastor Martin and open to both men and women) meets Tuesdays, 6:30—7:30 am, now through August 20.

The Men’s Bible Study (book of Galatians); meets on the first and third Thursday of the month; please contact Brad Gardinier for more information.

Women’s Thursday Evening Bible Study, 7:00 PM. This Bible study (facilitated by Barbara Wilder) is a study of God’s loving-kindness, using, HESED, A Bible Study of God’s Steadfast Love.

Women’s Summer Book Studies-
-Blessed, meets Thursdays, 10:00 am.
Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, will meet on Tuesday, July 30 & August 6, 7:00 pm.

Ladies’ Precepts Bible Study (Sermon on the Mount) begins Tuesday, August 27, 9:45 AM. Childcare is available. Book cost is $12 (In & Out version) or $17 (Precepts). For more information, please contact Wendy Richards.

Special Events and Services (and any required sign-ups) are listed below:

August 2024

August 11: Sunday School Promotion Day – Teachers, parents, and children, please meet in the sanctuary at 10:00 am for a brief program; children will then be dismissed to their classrooms.

August 18: Plan to join us following evening worship, for a picnic supper and a time of fellowship! Please sign up in the narthex or online to bring a dish.