Our Sunday Worship Services are 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Sunday School is at 10:00 AM
Lord’s Day Prayer Group, Sundays, 9:30 am; all are welcome.
Adult Sunday School Class, 10:00 am:
-Men of the Kingdom, meeting in the Sanctuary
-Doctrine of the Trinity, meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Youth Sunday School, 10:00 am: Biblical Relationships
Wednesday Night supper begins at 5:30pm and is served until 6:10 (sign up is required).
6:00 PM: High Point (youth), meets in the sanctuary
6:30 PM: Devotional & Prayer Time (adults); Catechism (children)
Small Groups
Adult Choir meets on Sunday afternoons.
Children’s Choir for the winter/spring season meets every Sunday at 4:45pm.
Early Morning Bible Study (Ten Commandments), Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 am.
The Men’s Bible Study; meets on the first and third Thursday of the month; please contact Brad Gardinier for more information.
Women’s Bible Studies; sign-up sheets are in the narthex:
- Colossians, led by Brittany Reini, will meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays (Jan—May), 7:00 pm, at her home; participants will need to purchase the book Colossians by Lydia Brownback.
- Ladies Precepts Bible Study of James will meet Tuesdays (Jan—May), 9:45 am, at the church, book cost is $17; childcare is available.
Special Events and Services (and any required sign-ups) are listed below:
January 2025
January 26: Plan to join us, following evening worship, for a hot bowl of chili and some fellowship! Please sign up to bring a pot of chili, cornbread, or dessert here.
January 31 – February 2: Youth Ski Trip
Save the date! VBS-UPWARD BOUND: Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20!